برنامج الفير فوكس الجديد بورتابول Firefox 3.0 Portable
برنامج الفير فوكس الجديد بورتابول Firefox 3.0 Portable
برنامج الفير فوكس الجديد Firefox 3.0
Extract on hard disk or USB key and run FirefoxPortable.
39 languages fixed by launcher according Windows localisation: English,
Arabic, Basque, Belarusian, Catalan, Czech, Danish, Dutch, Finnish,
French, German, Greek, Hebrew, Hungarian, Indonesian, Irish, Italian,
Japanese, Korean, Kurdish, Lithuanian, Macedonian, Mongolian,
Norwegian, NorwegianNynorsk, Polish, Portuguese, PortugueseBR,
Romanian, Russian, Serbian, Simpchinese, Slovak, Slovenian, Spanish,
Swedish, Tradchinese, Turkish, Ukrainian.
Edit FirefoxPortable.ini in Data to fix langauge yourself or choose
other languages (Afrikaans, English (GB), Spanish (AR), Frysk,
Gujarati, Georgian, Punjabi, Sinhala, Shqip).
You can remove unused language files in App\Firefox\chrome.
Extract Plugins in Data Folder: only Flash tested (try and report for Windows Media Player and PDF).
Settings of installed Firefox should be preserved.
Size:: 7 MB
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www.a7habnet.p2h.info.rar" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">